Friday, December 18, 2009

World record Sessions on Micrososft Latest Technologies

Join World record free online sessions on Microsoft technologies from Sat to Mon. This is the first time any community arrange such huge concert.

Following are the some highlights of sessions:  

1. Key notes from Abhishek kant - MVP Lead of Micrososft 
2. Key notes by Ashwin U. Kini - Regional Chairman APAC (Asia-Pacific) 
3. Closing notes by Chandershekhar Thota - MVP, Founder of 
4. Special Sessions by Meetu Choudhary - First MVP from Jaipur, founder of 
5. Around 45-48 Sessions on different Topics by valuable Speakers. For more details and how to join the sessions, take a look at :

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My hat-trick this October in Dot Net Spider

Hi all!
Good evening!

Its really nice evening today. Sky is clear and its Sunday.

Around 5.30p.m. I read the announcement made by Raghav in Dot Net spider that I have awarded as a Best Forum Supporter of this week, its really good to see my name there.

When I discussed this with some of my fans they told its my hat-trick, here I am sharing with you look at these links:

Its all due to my all friends, reader and DNS'ians.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

My Diwali Gift from DotnetSpider

Its a longtime to write something. Its a very tight schedule in these days.

In between I am here to share a good news I got another prize from Dot Net Spider, it like my Diwali Gift.

Thanks Raghav & Tony also my greatest thanks to my Wife Shuby, My Sis Meetu and all my other friends like Abit and Anil

Here is the announcement :

Best Forum Supporter Award - 18th October to 24th October, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Web Space, Domain Registrations, Web solutions, SEO Tips

After millions of search, I finally god the Web Space, Domain Registrations, Web solutions, SEO Tips

They provide complete solution and Web hosting of sites for multiple platforms containing all Windows, Linux under one roof.

I got a plan from there and get benefited.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Time to share

I am much upset in these days I am not getting time to spread / interchange my Techie knowledge. After a long sickness I am back to work a week back.

But, I am messing with Back-log. But I promise, I will be back soon with my new ideas.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One hour with my Desktop

After a long back, today I am sitting with my Desktop I have planned to sit around one hour today.

Its a very hectic month when I caught Typhoid fever. I am very weak in health. Still recovering. I am completely fedup with this onemonth by taking advices from Doctors, my relatives etc. All words came to my mind with a conclusion take a proper rest and diet.

Hope, everything will be fine soon so, I will join my work once again with full-fledge.

Really today, I did a very huge work in this hour.

  1. Checked around 1000s mails
  2. Prepare some quick douments
  3. Get conveciation with Brawn
  4. Make some strategies for upcming web-sites with Meetu Choudhary
  5. Talked with Tony M John regarding SilverlightClub
  6. Tried to find out some colleagues on gtalk
  7. Shared my condition with Raghav Kumar
  8. Wrote an Email to Raghav Kumar for Current contest at DotNetSpider
  9. I am very much happy to talk online with My Sis.
  10. Prepare a post-published article for MsDnH...Forums at How to review .Net application
Really today I have done some stuffs. Lets pray for best.

Hopefully, I will join you all very soon.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

60-minutes with : DNS-MVM

In continuation on my award of MVM from, DNS published my interview on this award.

In this interview I have shared my views with Raghav on my this achievement.

The tenure of interview is around 60-minutes, I really enjoyed with Raghav.

Here is the link of my interview :

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Microsoft TechEd2009 in Hyderabad

Lets cheers, its a good news for all Microsoft lovers.
Microsoft TechEd2009 will be conducting in Hyderabad from May13 to May15.

Main attention of the eve is Steven A. Ballmer,CEO Microsoft. This is the greatest and biggest eve in India and expecting to see a huge crowd from developer community.

To grab more details please visit : Microsoft TechEd2009.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Got Prestigious award from

Its a very cool Morning today. I got a mail from Raghav , The webmaster of http// regarding the Most Valuable Member award from Dotnetspider. This is the moment of my dreams come true. Here are the few lines from the mail :

Congratulations from! Your contributions to the technology world is recognized by, one of the most respected technology community. We are glad to inform you that you are selected as the MOST VALUABLE MEMBER (MVM) for your active participation and contribution to You will be awarded with a certificate of appreciation from us.Visit this page for the list of winners -

My thanks to DNS family for this award and special thanks to Raghav who have nominated me for this prestigious award.

Moreover above, whole credit goes to my lovely wife Shuby Arora, without her this was not possible.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

My Journey from Member to Webmaster

Today I want to share my words of Journey with DNS from a Member to a Webmaster.

My journey with DNS is started on 7/19/2008 5:11:57 PM. I have registered with a MicroSoft.Net community as a new member with profile Gaurav Arora 

As I was a very new in this community site I was not aware from rules/regulations also, “to err is human” so, its natural that I did mistakes. I am technical and know how to do Techie stuffs but not aware from the right way. In this period I have met many diamond members and other Sr. members who guided me "How to present stuffs in DNS?".

I met with Raghav he guided me lot of stuffs. As time passed away I got matured in DNS and Raghav found me suitable for Editorial work and he selected me as an Editor for DNS. This is the truning point of my life in DNS. Afterwards, Admins of DNS selected me Senior Editor.  

Now I became a Diamond member and a Webmaster of DNS

Its just start of my Jorney, Tony who found me suitable for my work so, he gave me another responsibility of his another site Silverlight Club as a Webmaster

Moreover all of above, I met with my life Shuby, who will give me every type of support.

Thanks Shuby to be my life.

I am still trying to do my more efforts to prove myself also still learning more stuff.

The journey is still continue... 


Thursday, April 16, 2009

Silverlight Games : Silverlight

Its a great day for me, on 01st April'2009 finally Silverlight Game Site launched.

The main motive of Silverlight Club is  to promote Microsoft Silverlight . Tony John is the Founder and Admin of the Site. I am taking as a Webmaster of the site.

We are looking some good Silverlight Experts , also we are running a Contest on the Site for Silverlight Games

One more reward from

Today, I am very much happy, actually I got the news later. Once again DNS gave me a honor in the shape of Best Forum Supporter Award .

DNS provide me this honor in favor of my activities in Forums and  way of replies to the members. Many other members also like my writting and appreciate me for my stuffs.

Hope, in future I will provide all of you guys a very good and much more matured stuffs.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Manage your day - Top 10

Today's life is very fast. Everyone is doing work work and work to prove himself/herself. But, one thing he/she realize when he/she achieve the desired level. Why we should realize at that time?

In my views to avoid such situation why don't we plan accordingly. My friends and especially my wife told "How you manage all?". Do you believe in these days my whole week [Mon-Fri] spent on office I travel around 5.30hrs in office cab and then 1pm to 10pm office. I started my journey and back to home @1am. Its very hard to manage all things. I always feel rest-less when back to home very tired.

I follow these points and advice the same to all of you:

1. Manage work hour / personal hour
2. Get up early
3. Get visualize, if you want to do something then you have to do it.
4. Do spent some time with your family
5. Steal some hours from your busy schedule for you only.
6. Do plan according to your work not just to show you among others.
7. If you are unable to do something just tell your seniors directly.
8. Love your work, if you love your work then you love your family.
9. Do not take office issues in home.
10. If you need late hours in office, do inform your family.

Try above, and definitely you will get good results.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

At last everyone meets God

Human journey starts from birth. During this journey human meets many challenges, cross many hurdles and at last the success is just finishes when human ended this journey.

Yes, its truth. Everyman whatsoever he/she is. A King, an emperor, so called Gurus etc. one day meets to the God when reaches to final stage.

Yesterday, my Guru ji who is after God to me. Completes his journey and meets in the Truth of God.

But he is always in our hearts.

We all make his Samadhi in Kankhal Ashram, Haridwar.

We always need you Guru ji.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

For Shuby

The name is in my heart, in my soul is Shuby .
This is dedicated to my wife Shuby .

Kuchh Ehsaas Ke saaye
Teri aur le jaate hai
Na chaahte huye bhie
Wo lamhe fir yaad aate hai
Jab bhi baithta hoo, us ped ke paas
Na jaane na hote huye bhi aata hai tera wo ehsaas
Tera wo sehlana fir apne naram haatho se behlana

Aaj fasla sirf kuchh duriyon ka hai,
Par tera ehsaas paas hai

Thanks Shuby to be my life

Online Business - a good idea to earn

Online Business is very good and great idea to earn from home.

You need only one PC a good speed internet connection and daily 2-3hrs. If you can manage all these then you will definitely get some worth from online business.

I also registered for this : Do you want the same. Get here:

Online jobs

Journey from Editor to a Webmaster

Today, I want to share my journey to become a Webmaster of Silverlightclub.

My journey starts with DotnetSpider, where Raghav and Tony valued my resources and stuffs, they get come with some assigments and re-check my stuffs again.

Finally, they chose me as an Editor of Dotnetspider. I did lot of my stuffs there. In this period I got many prizes and rewards and become a Diamond Member.

Tony started a new Silverlight Gaming Site and need a webmaster for the same. On conclusion Tony select me as the webmaster for his new site.

My first post

Today, I have decided to start my personal blog. Earlier I have my certain blogs like:MicroSoft technologies, these blogs are purely technical I want a place to post my personal views, so, today I have decided to open this blog.